lady0rowan: Little Red Riding Hood
lady0rowan: Little Red Riding Hood
lady0rowan: After two torturous months, page one is finally DONE!!!!!
lady0rowan: Progress shot as I switch to a better frame. Nearing 1/2 way through page two of Little Red Riding Hood!
lady0rowan: Two pages down. Only 14 to go!
lady0rowan: The front is so calm and orderly. The back.... Is a big ole mess!
lady0rowan: Can you see the shadow tree yet?
lady0rowan: Cookies and cross stitch!
lady0rowan: I'm so close, and I can't finish, or I'll be late for work!!! Do you think my boss would accept "I can't make it to work because I have to finish this page" as an excuse?
lady0rowan: After two and a half months of stitching, page three is complete! I finished at 1:10am!
lady0rowan: Page started on 1/8/14. Page completed on 2/8/14. Woot!!
lady0rowan: Mom! Whatcha doing? Wanna pet me?
lady0rowan: Saturdays are for strawberries and stitching.
lady0rowan: Finally a page finish! 5 down, 11 to go....
lady0rowan: Almost two months into this teeny page, and still a ways to go!
lady0rowan: Getting closer!
lady0rowan: Page 6/14 is finished! This completes the top row.... Time for me to shift the fabric. The next page brings a lot of white, and the first glimpse of Miss Red!
lady0rowan: After three months of stitching, page 7 is finally complete!!
lady0rowan: Teeny tiny little squares. The macro abilities on my new iPhone 6 are so much better than the 4s.
lady0rowan: Officially at the halfway point!
lady0rowan: We have a page finish!
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