lady0rowan: Redwood Cones
lady0rowan: Coolidge and Chandelier
lady0rowan: 1940s?
lady0rowan: Gently glowing
lady0rowan: No Swimming! Unless you're a duck.
lady0rowan: Inside, looking out
lady0rowan: Postcards
lady0rowan: Do not enter....
lady0rowan: Reflection of a Tree
lady0rowan: Lit from within
lady0rowan: Spyders in the Redwoods
lady0rowan: The Chandelier Tree just before the fence was replaced.
lady0rowan: Lightning, thunder, and a surprise downpour!
lady0rowan: Solving problems....
lady0rowan: Sunset in Redwood country
lady0rowan: A beautiful classic Chevy at the Tree today.
lady0rowan: Beautiful classic Cadillac.
lady0rowan: Written by Joseph B Strauss, builder of the Golden Gate Bridge.
lady0rowan: A tourist just brought in this rosary, made with redwood beads that he purchased here 20 years ago.
lady0rowan: A small parade of Corvettes came through the Tree this morning. They were fun to photograph.
lady0rowan: Our tree was on the front page of the LA Times' Travel section! If anyone has an extra copy of yesterday's paper, I would love a copy of the entire article!
lady0rowan: Evening yoga session out by the pond. Now here is a guy who knows how to relax whilst traveling!
lady0rowan: My job: better than reality TV.
lady0rowan: 1958 Edsel
lady0rowan: This guy had a blast with his big truck.
lady0rowan: Really hating my job today....
lady0rowan: How many firemen does it take to fix the door on a car? Five! Four to do the heavy lifting, and one to point and give direction.
lady0rowan: San Bernardino National Fire Service boys.