The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
DSC_0139 I Enjoy the Monkeys Too.
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
CSC_0559 Bicycles Are Fun
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
CSC_0577 Working in the Fields
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
CSC_0587 A Companion in the Fields
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
CSC_0590 Affection in the Fields
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
The Gods Are Happy on Bali
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
We're in the Tropics Now
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
In the Green Fields of Bali
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
Going to School in Bali
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
At the Entrance to a Temple
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
HaVe a GReAT ParTy!!! [Explored]
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
Misty Bali
The Spirit of the World ( On and Off):
"Are You Sure This is the Way Home?"