sderle: A full moon rises behind Manchester Beach
sderle: Rocks off Manchester Beach
sderle: Sunset from Manchester Beach
sderle: Manchester Beach at sunset
sderle: Manchester Beach at sunset #2
sderle: Manchester Beach at sunset #3
sderle: The daystar drowns in the Pacific Ocean, never to be seen a... oh, wait.
sderle: blorp blorp blorp
sderle: A woman walks to the waters...
sderle: Two Burnstons and a Shannon.
sderle: Would you buy a driftwood lean-to from this man?
sderle: qui photographios ipsos photographiet
sderle: Jon.
sderle: The sun goes down, the tide comes in.
sderle: Good night, California!
sderle: qui photographios, redux
sderle: hugz
sderle: some remain still when all around is chaos
sderle: Lauren and Shannon
sderle: Lauren and Shannon, #2
sderle: Look what we found!
sderle: An ancient redwood, with Jon Burnston included for scale.
sderle: holy what the
sderle: burl.
sderle: a forest pixie!
sderle: redwood grain, #1
sderle: redwood grain, #2
sderle: redwood grain, #3
sderle: Dan scales a snag
sderle: a forest sprite.