judith511: Soft, dry, windblown sand
judith511: Footprints in the sand
judith511: Hole in the sand
judith511: Chopping pumpkin
judith511: White on white
judith511: White on white
judith511: White on white
judith511: Eastern Water Dragon
judith511: Tiramisu KitKat
judith511: Tiramisu KitKat
judith511: Poinciana seedling
judith511: Pumkin and Carrot soup
judith511: Grapes
judith511: Grapes
judith511: Little black dog
judith511: My little black dog
judith511: Lismore Square shopping centre
judith511: Lismore Square shopping centre
judith511: Lismore Square shopping centre
judith511: Ballina bypass interchange
judith511: Ballina bypass interchange
judith511: Smilling
judith511: Tibouchina
judith511: Mellow Yellow
judith511: Yukka
judith511: Stranded
judith511: Stranded
judith511: Ruby Red
judith511: Built at the river mouth
judith511: Built at the river mouth