47424: UUC842R - AEC Mandator
47424: ETJ346F - Foden S21
47424: 1322AA - AEC Reliance/Plaxton Panorama
47424: XDB235K - ERF KV
47424: OYA961 - AEC Mammoth Major
47424: FJF346F - Foden S21, RTD680L - AEC Marshall and 276UXR - Atkinson
47424: FX51LDY Volvo FH12
47424: AMG419H - AEC Mammoth Major and CIB7820 - AEC Mammoth Major tipper
47424: GBW830 - AEC Mammoth Major mixer
47424: 377DUL - AEC Mercury and CIB7820 - AEC Mammoth Major tipper
47424: 314BVO and WYC736H - AEC Mercury recovery trucks
47424: GBW830 - AEC Mammoth Major cement mixer, 377DVL - AEC Mercury, CIB7820 - AEC Mammoth Major and AMG419H - AEC Mammoth Major
47424: KDT393 - AEC Regal III/Roe
47424: YNN724 - AEC Mandator ballast tractor and low loader
47424: LYB385E - Guy Big J
47424: NBP236 - AEC Mammoth Major
47424: FFW813L - AEC Mandator
47424: TEE120J - AEC Mercury recovery truck
47424: G266DCX - ERF E14 with Mines Rescue mobile winder load.
47424: KGH204 - AEC Mammoth Major
47424: MCX86T - ERF B Series
47424: C265PAO - ERF C Series
47424: NLB541 - ERF V type
47424: B597RNC - ERF C series
47424: 814YUD - AEC Mammoth Major
47424: D51LWW - Volvo B10M/Van Hool Alizee and VWA290L - AEC Reliance/Plaxton Panorama
47424: R726TYC - Volvo B10M/Plaxton Premiere
47424: L2GHW - Scania K113/Van Hool Alizee
47424: PUL91Y - Mercedes Benz 0303
47424: RBY43L - Bedford VAL/Plaxton