brickbuster: One Ring to Rule Them All
brickbuster: 31999780965_466ba27d6a_o
brickbuster: Eye of Sauron King Piece
brickbuster: 31999781195_aed105cc42_o
brickbuster: Evil Side Pawns
brickbuster: Boromir and Lurtz
brickbuster: Mumakil and Ent-Bishops
brickbuster: Hobits in Mordor, Gollum and Frodo
brickbuster: Good side
brickbuster: Eye of Sauron-King
brickbuster: Evil side
brickbuster: LOTR Chess
brickbuster: I can smell man flesh
brickbuster: Good side Pawns
brickbuster: Gandalf and Balrog-King