MaryLemm: The real summer ....
MaryLemm: The comfy chair
MaryLemm: The mural of the Last Judgement on the church of the Voronet Monastery in Romania
MaryLemm: Siege of Constantinople - Moldoviate Monastery in Romania
MaryLemm: Going to the wedding
MaryLemm: Tree face
MaryLemm: Smooth and wet salty walls
MaryLemm: The corridors
MaryLemm: An old staircase with salt
MaryLemm: Looking into the large mine
MaryLemm: The elevator
MaryLemm: A fantasy
MaryLemm: The lake at the bottom
MaryLemm: Looking up
MaryLemm: Down to the mine
MaryLemm: Looking into the mine