MaryLemm: São Luis do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: Church in São Luiz do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: After the flood São Luiz do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: Church in São Luiz do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: The church after the flood
MaryLemm: Debris of the church
MaryLemm: House
MaryLemm: The square
MaryLemm: The square in São Luis do Paraitinga after the flood
MaryLemm: Before the flood
MaryLemm: After the flood
MaryLemm: After the flood
MaryLemm: Market - São Luiz do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: Market before the flood
MaryLemm: Market
MaryLemm: The market after the flood
MaryLemm: Market
MaryLemm: Near the river
MaryLemm: The old steps
MaryLemm: São Luiz do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: São Luiz do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: São Luiz do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: São Luiz do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: São Luiz do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: São Luiz do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: São Luiz do Paraitinga
MaryLemm: Afogado - Prato da Casa
MaryLemm: Afogado - Prato da Casa
MaryLemm: Afogado - Prato da Casa