Ricktree: Improper foundation planting to better front yard
Ricktree: Ready to rotatill
Ricktree: Wood shredder, Troy Built
Ricktree: Uncle Bob with hoe in garden
Ricktree: Blowing mulch
Ricktree: Garden materials on front lawn
Ricktree: Mulching leaves with mower
Ricktree: Burn - chaff of prairie plants
Ricktree: Burning the stubble of native grass
Ricktree: Burn - stubble burnt
Ricktree: Mulch of pine needles
Ricktree: Mulch - Pine Straw close-up
Ricktree: Pine needle mulch n shrubs
Ricktree: Good Prune
Ricktree: Yew, Japanese, branched up
Ricktree: Yew, Tauton on south side 8-10
Ricktree: Mockorange before pruning at HH
Ricktree: Mockorange after pruning at HH
Ricktree: Clavey Honeysuckle screen
Ricktree: Clavey Honeysuckle resprouted
Ricktree: Metal Edging
Ricktree: Black Plastic edging
Ricktree: Foundation area covered by stone
Ricktree: Orange-brown clay soil pile.
Ricktree: Tree staked
Ricktree: Vemeer Digger