96tommy: 46233 - York
96tommy: 47580 "County of Essex" - (in EXPLORE)
96tommy: 55022 - Colton Junction
96tommy: 31454 + 31601 - Colton Junction
96tommy: 55022 - Copmanthorpe - 30th August 2010
96tommy: 6233 "Duchess of Sutherland" - Sherburn - In - Elmet - 6th August 2010
96tommy: 31190 + 31452 at Doncaster with 0Z31 Taunton - Doncaster (21/2/13)
96tommy: IMG_4880
96tommy: 86259 Preston 31/03/12
96tommy: 47843 York 16/11/12
96tommy: 70013 Colton Junction 12/08/11
96tommy: 20311 + 20314 - Water Orton
96tommy: 56303 - Water Orton
96tommy: 20311 + 20314 - Water Orton
96tommy: 56303 + 56311 + 56312 - Derby
96tommy: 31465 - East Midlands Parkway
96tommy: 56312 - Derby
96tommy: 60163 - York
96tommy: 2011-11-30 066
96tommy: _MG_2000
96tommy: _MG_2995
96tommy: _MG_3570
96tommy: IMG_5000
96tommy: IMG_1753
96tommy: _MG_4425
96tommy: 55019 "Royal Highland Fusilier" - Haworth
96tommy: I can see you..........!
96tommy: 55019 "Royal Highland Fusilier" - Haworth
96tommy: 08226 - Haworth Yard
96tommy: Haworth Yard