ed ed: that red earth
ed ed: the sea, the sea
ed ed: el trigo. las nubes.
ed ed: instability
ed ed: high as a kite
ed ed: sierra
ed ed: number 32
ed ed: the shrike and the olive...
ed ed: eye
ed ed: the gap between...
ed ed: where the wind blows
ed ed: cupped
ed ed: something there is...
ed ed: el buitre
ed ed: an olive tree. a wheat field.
ed ed: la puerta
ed ed: gateway...
ed ed: la ventana
ed ed: barcelona in the rain...
ed ed: spanish moon
ed ed: embrace
ed ed: ode to the west wind
ed ed: not drowning but waving
ed ed: surveillance
ed ed: almonds
ed ed: whither?
ed ed: the nemeses of bees
ed ed: waiting
ed ed: out to grass
ed ed: difference of opinion