ed ed: I'd like to report a time-shift
ed ed: pursuit
ed ed: shoot shot shot
ed ed: that way
ed ed: this way
ed ed: under threat
ed ed: subhuman
ed ed: ghost town
ed ed: hope...
ed ed: two men and a dog
ed ed: tryst
ed ed: crossing
ed ed: empty space
ed ed: towards the light
ed ed: illumination
ed ed: beauty
ed ed: fender
ed ed: 239
ed ed: devices
ed ed: la novia
ed ed: your shadow at evening rising to meet you
ed ed: full speed ahead
ed ed: how to keep out the cold
ed ed: autumn
ed ed: keep moving
ed ed: speed reading
ed ed: magic mirror
ed ed: synchronised path clearing
ed ed: masks etc
ed ed: seaside fun