ed ed: fire
ed ed: where the light was
ed ed: 13 windows
ed ed: not the thing itself but the reflection of the thing
ed ed: sodium dusk...
ed ed: outside in
ed ed: chain
ed ed: stupefaction
ed ed: rubicon
ed ed: time present
ed ed: goldengrove
ed ed: meltingtime
ed ed: self in gloss
ed ed: framing
ed ed: waterbird
ed ed: things fall apart
ed ed: a house a cloud a river
ed ed: broken towers
ed ed: wildly inappropriate self-portrait
ed ed: ornithology
ed ed: the weir pool
ed ed: hydroponics
ed ed: glimmer
ed ed: outside light
ed ed: turmoil
ed ed: rene's piano
ed ed: flying
ed ed: aquatica
ed ed: the bus was pink
ed ed: survivors