ed ed: new moon
ed ed: battlefield
ed ed: dancer
ed ed: curl
ed ed: spear
ed ed: rocky smile
ed ed: light
ed ed: won't be trampled
ed ed: shipwreck
ed ed: love poem...
ed ed: kinds of blue
ed ed: funny squiggly string-holding thing
ed ed: large post, small bird
ed ed: craggy
ed ed: heading west...
ed ed: hats etc....
ed ed: nearly three o'clock
ed ed: ship
ed ed: look up
ed ed: horizons
ed ed: calmed
ed ed: bridge to somewhere
ed ed: the mermaid will be back for this
ed ed: sands stretch far away
ed ed: some are broken, some are not
ed ed: camel resting or...
ed ed: the price of oil
ed ed: tintin
ed ed: shark