fennelgrl: Walt and Syd snuggle 1
fennelgrl: Walt and Syd snuggle 2
fennelgrl: Roy and Syd
fennelgrl: Walt, Roy, Sam, and Syd on the air mattress
fennelgrl: Sunshine Syd
fennelgrl: 4 kitties 1 sunbeam
fennelgrl: Walt licks Syd 2
fennelgrl: Walt licks Syd 3
fennelgrl: Walter licks Syd 1
fennelgrl: 3 cat heads 1
fennelgrl: 3 cat heads 2
fennelgrl: 3 cat heads 3
fennelgrl: Syd's tongue is out closer
fennelgrl: Syd's tongue is out
fennelgrl: Peekaboo Syd
fennelgrl: Someone to watch over Roy
fennelgrl: Wash behind Syds ear
fennelgrl: Whassat
fennelgrl: Syd and water
fennelgrl: Syd and water with tongue
fennelgrl: Syd and water wide
fennelgrl: Roy and Sid heart one another
fennelgrl: Roy grooms Sid
fennelgrl: Sid and Roy snuggle