Bahrfeldt: some old coin books 1
Bahrfeldt: more old coin books
Bahrfeldt: Olde Coin Books and Catalogues
Bahrfeldt: not so old coin books
Bahrfeldt: More Olde Coin Books and Catalogues
Bahrfeldt: Old Coin books
Bahrfeldt: Olde coin books and catalogues
Bahrfeldt: not very old coin books
Bahrfeldt: more coin books
Bahrfeldt: more not so old coin books
Bahrfeldt: Glasgow, BMCRE and a BMC Greek
Bahrfeldt: Sabatier and Cohen
Bahrfeldt: Ancient Coin Books 001
Bahrfeldt: Gnecchi- Monete Romane
Bahrfeldt: Forschner- Alexandrian Coins in Frankfurt
Bahrfeldt: Richard Reece- Roman Coins
Bahrfeldt: La Monnaie Grecque
Bahrfeldt: Gap Museum (France)- Coins
Bahrfeldt: Coins in Turkey
Bahrfeldt: Gilljam- Laelianus
Bahrfeldt: Heiss- Visigoths
Bahrfeldt: Davenport
Bahrfeldt: Howgego- Countermarks
Bahrfeldt: Agnes Baldwin- Monographs
Bahrfeldt: British Museum- exhibition guide
Bahrfeldt: Zander Klawans- Imitations and Inventions of Roman Coins
Bahrfeldt: Fava- I Simboli nelle Monete
Bahrfeldt: Michael Grant- The Six Main Aes Coinages of Augustus
Bahrfeldt: Franke- Kleinasien zur Romerzeit
Bahrfeldt: Schulten- Die Romische Munzstatte Trier