Jim Knowles (West Lothian Archaeological Trust): Rathcroghan - Medieval Earthwork
Jim Knowles (West Lothian Archaeological Trust): Rathcroghan - Site of Tulsk Castle
Jim Knowles (West Lothian Archaeological Trust): Rathcroghan - Entry from inside Oweynagat "the cave of the cats"
Jim Knowles (West Lothian Archaeological Trust): Rathcroghan - Inside Oweynagat "the cave of the cats"
Jim Knowles (West Lothian Archaeological Trust): Rathcroghan - Inside Oweynagat "the cave of the cats"
Jim Knowles (West Lothian Archaeological Trust): Rathcroghan - Outside Oweynagat "the cave of the cats"
Jim Knowles (West Lothian Archaeological Trust): KAP Shot of Rathra Multivalate Earthwork