Elephant Soap: Hamburger Helper
Elephant Soap: Goes to the Folk Art Museum
Elephant Soap: L O V E
Elephant Soap: Rides Subways
Elephant Soap: Togetherness
Elephant Soap: Mr.H meets Mr. W
Elephant Soap: A Forest Gump Moment
Elephant Soap: He was the best waiter
Elephant Soap: Favorite
Elephant Soap: Mr. H and the Guggenheim
Elephant Soap: N.Y.C's Best
Elephant Soap: Mr. H Rides the subway
Elephant Soap: Tired or Sad
Elephant Soap: Rides The Staten Island Ferry
Elephant Soap: Kizz and Mr. H
Elephant Soap: New York Stock Exchange
Elephant Soap: I'm horible
Elephant Soap: Mr. H appreciates the Arts
Elephant Soap: Hailing a cab
Elephant Soap: Trader Joes!!
Elephant Soap: Walking the Brooklyn Bridge