Elephant Soap: Give Me Land, lots of land...
Elephant Soap: David Bowie takes a hike
Elephant Soap: Jumping off a Cliff
Elephant Soap: Wind Blown
Elephant Soap: One is the loneliest number
Elephant Soap: His face froze like that
Elephant Soap: In Grills Only
Elephant Soap: New Habitat for Hobitat
Elephant Soap: Front Porch
Elephant Soap: Step one
Elephant Soap: Reeses Peanutbutter Cup Smore
Elephant Soap: I'm going to eat this
Elephant Soap: First Bite
Elephant Soap: Success.
Elephant Soap: Mushroom Explosion
Elephant Soap: Dad's in time out
Elephant Soap: Camp Fire
Elephant Soap: Cloudy Sunset
Elephant Soap: Storms Brewing in the Distance
Elephant Soap: Mushroom Cloud
Elephant Soap: Don't Fence Me In
Elephant Soap: Looking For Moses
Elephant Soap: Mom the botanist