Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Heredé una botella de ron de un clochard moribundo...
StoSmettendoDiSognare: Io e la mia ombra (I)
StoSmettendoDiSognare: Io e la mia ombra (II)
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Desde la oscuridad
elsvo: 12.52
TIBBA69: watching the wheels
Ooggetuige: The right Note
D.R.A.S: creases
Saga55: El hambre en el mundo.
Manuela F: Yaldà ktanà kesheani godelet (Una bimba piccola mentre cresco)
Lily : Death is the Road to Awe
L'Abominable Homme de Rires: Young Nepali Child
Gábina: U pomníku..
Mauricio Sánchez Rubal: Gaviotas / Seagulls
kakhabad: daydreaming
kakhabad: fire abide with me
kakhabad: goddess of "origami"
besiaman: Genus
ZEROZLIN: 光。笑顏00023
nuage4: noir et blanc / black and white
zhatash: Refugee
B Gilmour.: I'll find you somewhere
Olivier Simard Photographie: C'est un petit matin comme tu les aime,comme on les aimait quoi! Les filles sortent du lido...
Alfredo11: Split