-Walt-: Suburbia
-Walt-: Face Pain…..for who?
-Walt-: Beer Butt
-Walt-: Strip Poker
-Walt-: The long and winding…….nap! (explored)
-Walt-: Floating into the fire
-Walt-: Backlight #1
-Walt-: Grad colours!
-Walt-: Browning
-Walt-: Eye through the lens - explored
-Walt-: Off the coast - Italy - explored
-Walt-: ……….always get their man!
-Walt-: Buzz (incredible)!
-Walt-: D90 Selfie
-Walt-: Sad - Happy
-Walt-: Girls only - no boys allowed
-Walt-: Doesn't seem right! (explored - thank you)
-Walt-: Sunshine!
-Walt-: Lima's finest (explored)
-Walt-: Blue water wader
-Walt-: Under the bridge
-Walt-: Small City Colours -Cinque Terre
-Walt-: Layers
-Walt-: Warty, the hog
-Walt-: Green in Rome
-Walt-: Red light district
-Walt-: "Ancient Tree" carving (with modifications)
-Walt-: UPS
-Walt-: People waste! (explored, thank you)
-Walt-: Board people