-Walt-: picture picture
-Walt-: Sun time
-Walt-: Finally.....shade!
-Walt-: Sun, sand, water and ..........?
-Walt-: Cook Islands
-Walt-: Rarotonga sunset
-Walt-: Beach girls
-Walt-: Copacabana
-Walt-: High chair
-Walt-: High and Dry
-Walt-: Hawaii
-Walt-: It's winter....where?
-Walt-: Jaco Beach, Costa Rica
-Walt-: Going down
-Walt-: Beauty!
-Walt-: Sea of blue
-Walt-: Lonely when the tide's out!
-Walt-: Days to long for!
-Walt-: No insulting intentions......
-Walt-: A gentle smile
-Walt-: Beach scene
-Walt-: Beach with a view
-Walt-: Caught in the act!
-Walt-: The choices people make!
-Walt-: Cook Islands
-Walt-: Jail!
-Walt-: Breakwater Beach
-Walt-: Tide's out....boats are in!
-Walt-: Sun Frame
-Walt-: Beach toys