m.finerty: hands stained from years of foraging food for market, thailand
m.finerty: cats in the fridge, thailand
m.finerty: polk street
m.finerty: kid making sweet sparks
m.finerty: The doll shop, rome, january 2011
m.finerty: laundry at night, napoli, january 2011
m.finerty: la madonna, napoli, january 2011
m.finerty: sunset on the olive tree, otricoli, january 2011
m.finerty: spider on ry's baby pic, otricoli, decmber 2010
m.finerty: dog popping bubbles, roma, january 2010
m.finerty: sunny rainstorm at the park, rome, october 2010
m.finerty: grandot’s house, claremont CA, november 2010
m.finerty: laundrymat at night, san francisco, september, 2010
m.finerty: church of christ (near golden gate park) san francisco, march, 2010
m.finerty: sunset on victorians, san francisco, march 2010
m.finerty: my studio, san francisco, march, 2010
m.finerty: roadtripping, santa barbara -> san francisco, february, 2010