Topotom: West Bank Security Wall
Topotom: Gary and the Ai Site
Topotom: Square 5 When We Started
Topotom: Square 5 at End of Week 1
Topotom: Square 5 at End of Week 2
Topotom: Morning Gathering of Tools
Topotom: Sheep Passing Through Excavation Site
Topotom: Allison and Scott
Topotom: Me Working Hard
Topotom: Hauling Dirt
Topotom: Allison and Lindsay
Topotom: Silo at Dig Site
Topotom: Eating Lunch at the Dig
Topotom: Digging
Topotom: Looking and Listening for Coins
Topotom: Taking a Break
Topotom: Dr. Wood
Topotom: Picking Away
Topotom: First Century Strap Coin and a Modern Shekel
Topotom: Dirty Me on the Dump Pile
Topotom: Pottery Pieces I found
Topotom: Egyptian-Scarab
Topotom: Sifting for objects
Topotom: Olive Press Stone
Topotom: Olive press weight I found
Topotom: Osama with Olive Press Stone
Topotom: Olive Press Stone I Found
Topotom: Replica of an Olive Press
Topotom: Replica of Olive Press Weights
Topotom: The Subterannean Room at Excavation