ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo):
Having read up on "Lifeskills for a 21st Century childhood", Anna decided to start by teaching the very important "crawling up steps when drunk" lesson.
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Damn, there's some harsh parenting around!
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Jonathan wasn't sure that the GPS really had landed him on the Arctic iceberg he was looking for.
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Desperate to find himself a girlfriend, Tony wondered if a big purchase was in order...
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Determined to improve the morals of its citizens, the town council even decided to take charge of everyone's choice of literature.
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walking by the side of the river, on her way to the Xmas party with her mates, Glenda was glad that she had put on those sexy false eyelashes - she might not see too well, but she should really make a big splash tonight.
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Joe's open air cafe always had queues - possibly due to their inventive way of seasoning the chips with cigarette butts.
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The cut in staffing levels at Airtraffic Control was starting to have some effect.
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Old Mrs Jones went a little too close to the river on her way back from the supermarket...
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Squadron Leader "Chalky"White knew that the Gulls were vicious, precision bombers, but felt that the new pigeon recruits needed a good shouting-at.
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If I can... just.. pull...
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After a stressful Christmas day with the whole family, Steve became surprisingly animated when describing the storyline of the film "The Boston Strangler" during charades.
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After the pure excitement of the cracker-pulling session, the rest of Christmas seemed a bit of a let-down for the Smithson family.
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Pete was ecstatic - renting his Mum out for "kick the parent" sessions had turned out to be a real money-spinner.
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Ollie von Furstenburg always denied that his art installation "What.. she's not a woman?" was inspired by personal experience.
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Never one to do things by half, when Wayne decided to lose his virginity he took his friends advice to get a new vehicle a little too literally.
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PC Plod hung his head in despair - this was the third accident this month caused by consumption of 'Space Dust' - he was sure that Mr Custard of 'The Sweetshop' was supplying, but just couldn't prove it.
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Richard was not happy with Julie's 'April Fool' Joke - 2 days later and he was STILL superglued to the branch.
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Edith's big campaign for more easily accessed toilets seemed to have backfired slightly.
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Simon wondered about the TARDIS diet - he was definitely looking much thinner, but from his effect on the steps, still seemed to weigh as much as an elephant.
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George got a little over-excited when Mum brought back the food - but he didn't think that anyone would notice.
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Daisy really wanted to help the police by picking the culprit out from the line-up, but she was having problems deciding.
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Sarah suddenly realised that she had hit on the ultimate 'green' power source - bottom-sniffing.
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"Big Dave" always gives a graphic demonstration of just what would happen if you messed with his nuts.
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Too late, Tweety realised that eating Mentos after Cola was not a good idea.
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No-one could understand why balloon-owner Pete was such good friends with the boring and 'windy' Will, but Pete had his reasons...