ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): #42 - 100 strangers - Dan & Pete
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): Wave your hanky in the air like you don't care...
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): Not everyone enjoys Morris Dancing
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): I'm calling the shots now.
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): You put your left leg out
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): Put a penny in the hat, guvnor?
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): ..see, those are called "an audience''
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): Woman says "Jump", man asks '"How high?"
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): Morris dancing gets you high
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): Pull the other one - it's got bells on it!