ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): Blurry goat - i.e. 'bloat' (courtesy davescunningplan)
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): "I don't care what the weatherman says..."
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): Hanging on for dear life
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): Urban-tiger spots its prey
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): Dr Dolittle didn't lie, a 'Push-me Pull-you' does exist!
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): "stick, stick - stick STICK, stick, stick, STICK!!!"
ladylouise62 (trying to find mojo): "Big Dave" always gives a graphic demonstration of just what would happen if you messed with his nuts.