DenesG1-still off, computerproblems: This picture is dedicated for my second grandchild. She arrived yesterday, 2012.03.14 to this wonderful world.
DenesG1-still off, computerproblems: Sunset lights on Muskö, Sweden
DenesG1-still off, computerproblems: A local landing stage, Malhuvud, Sweden
DenesG1-still off, computerproblems: In the begin of spring
DenesG1-still off, computerproblems: New Year´s Eve - cold, frost and snow
DenesG1-still off, computerproblems: The world of quaietness
DenesG1-still off, computerproblems: A new weather front arrived
DenesG1-still off, computerproblems: Goldwater. Happy Easter, dear friends!
DenesG1-still off, computerproblems: In lieu of a moon shot...
DenesG1-still off, computerproblems: Before a sunrise, Svärdsö