Wider World: Gordon Smith wishes to intimidate
Wider World: Gordon Smith continues his intimidation
Wider World: Gordon Smith threatens, again
Wider World: Gordon Smith threatens again
Wider World: Gordon Smith and the abuse of power
Wider World: TV Licensing's monthly letter
Wider World: Gordon Smith and his foolish letters
Wider World: Gordon Smith's latest letter
Wider World: Gordon Smith getting worked up
Wider World: Gordon Smith holds information on 32,000,000 addresses
Wider World: Gordon Smith's latest intimation-intimidation
Wider World: Gordon Smith's letter for June 2017
Wider World: Gordon Smith's latest threatening letter, July 2017
Wider World: TV Licensing threatening letter, July 2017
Wider World: but for people who don't watch television, it doesn't apply, September 2017
Wider World: A proud member of the Stasi it seems, September 2017
Wider World: Stop a visit before it's too late, October 2017
Wider World: Proceeding with the final stage of investigation in January 2018
Wider World: Visit temporarily on hold, February 2018
Wider World: Visit scheduled in March 2018
Wider World: Gordon Smith threatens in April 2018
Wider World: Gordon Smith's threat in May 2018
Wider World: July 2018's threatening letter from Gordon Smith
Wider World: Gordon Smith's latest missive, a copy of his letter of April 2018.
Wider World: Gordon Smith threatens again in September 2018
Wider World: TV Licensing, October 2018
Wider World: Gordon Smith's November 2018 letter
Wider World: Gordon Smith's December letter
Wider World: TV Licensing January 2019
Wider World: TV Licensing February 2019