cate♪: cosmos field
cate♪: cosmos. ハッピーリング
cate♪: ジャコウアゲハ
cate♪: Black butterfly. ナガサキアゲハ
cate♪: サルスベリ crepe myrtle.
cate♪: sunflowers.
cate♪: Sunflowers in Kiyose.
cate♪: sunflowers field in Kiyose.
cate♪: Cotton Rose with droplets.
cate♪: sunflower field.
cate♪: sunflowers.
cate♪: stretch.
cate♪: Lycoris squamlgera.
cate♪: ナツズイセン
cate♪: 夏水仙 Lycoris squamigera.
cate♪: Licoris. 夏水仙
cate♪: サギソウ Pecteilis radiata.
cate♪: lovely bride.
cate♪: a cabbage butterfly.
cate♪: a swallow tail.
cate♪: 立葵
cate♪: 上野 不忍池
cate♪: not open yet.
cate♪: like a blue ribbon.
cate♪: Have a break.
cate♪: walk with a dog.
cate♪: hydrangea #8
cate♪: hydrandea in Tokeiji.
cate♪: Lilies hill.
cate♪: white lily.