EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV by Godfrey W. Allen
EastMarple1: Reverse of a mid 1860s CDV by John Burton and Sons
EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV by John Burton & Sons Circa 1864-1867
EastMarple1: Reverse of CDV of an unknown clergyman by John Burton & Sons
EastMarple1: Reverse of http://flic.kr/p/aoQw4z
EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV by Walter Clayton, photographer of Nottingham and Leicester.
EastMarple1: Reverse of http://flic.kr/p/aoTSyG by Walter Clayton
EastMarple1: Reverse of an 1860s CDV by William Copeland of Ashwell Road, Oakham, Rutland
EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV by Alfred Wilson Cox & Son of Nottingham
EastMarple1: Reverse of CDV of Arthur BLAGG by Alfred Wilson COX of Nottingham
EastMarple1: Reverse of a Cabinet Portrait by Norman May & Co. Ltd of Malvern
EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV by W. Croydon of 94 Cornwall Road.
EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV by Fradelle & Marshall, circa 1875
EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV by Frost and Thomas of London Circa 1873-1875
EastMarple1: Reverse of Cabinet Portrait http://flic.kr/p/ad198z
EastMarple1: This is on the reverse of both of http://flic.kr/p/acVcqR
EastMarple1: Back of a CDV by Grimmett of Banbury, Oxfordshire
EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV by Thomas A. Rust
EastMarple1: Reverse of a Cabinet Portrait by W. Salmon & Co., Reading
EastMarple1: Reverse of http://flic.kr/p/adcacx
EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV of an unnamed man in Chettle Family Album
EastMarple1: Reverse of Cabinet Portrait by Moore & Cowen, Ramsey, Isle of Man. 1891
EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV by Samuel. A. Walker, Ecclesiastical Photographer
EastMarple1: Reverse of CDV of Gustav Dore by Fairless & Bamforth
EastMarple1: Reverse of CDV by W. & D. Downey, London
EastMarple1: Reverse of CDV of Herbert John Gladstone, 1st Viscount Gladstone, 1854-1930
EastMarple1: CDV by W. Farey of Kettering, Northants. Reverse of http://flic.kr/p/apioMu
EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV by John Burton & Sons
EastMarple1: Reverse of a CDV by Vice & Moon of Leicester. 1860s.