stephenmid: At Great Hayward Marina
stephenmid: Past the boats
stephenmid: Remains of the hail
stephenmid: John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett
stephenmid: The Sheds
stephenmid: Large Goose
stephenmid: Colourful bush
stephenmid: Admiring paparazzi
stephenmid: Half way to somewhere
stephenmid: Black East Indian Duck
stephenmid: Stone
stephenmid: Christina Collins
stephenmid: Mark II
stephenmid: Blue Tit
stephenmid: Locked in - Trentham lock
stephenmid: Big push - Trentham lock
stephenmid: Little bridge - Trentham lock
stephenmid: Nicer in the sunshine
stephenmid: Walk with keys
stephenmid: Letting down the paddle
stephenmid: A large pair
stephenmid: Graffiti
stephenmid: Ready with key
stephenmid: Peter can explain
stephenmid: Canal Warehouse - Etruria
stephenmid: Explaining
stephenmid: Woman with key
stephenmid: James Brindley - Etruria
stephenmid: Waiting for the water