stephenmid: Cover picture - Kestrel hunting above the playing fields by Greg Smith
stephenmid: January - Snowy Trees above the Lower Road by Ann Anderson
stephenmid: February - Sunrise and cedar on the South Slope by Genevieve Hutchinson
stephenmid: March - Bicycle and crocuses in the Spinney by Helen Odozi
stephenmid: April - Weeping willow on the South Slope by Patricia Pearl
stephenmid: May - Mallard ducklings by Stephen Selkirk
stephenmid: June - Comma by the Lower Road by Dee Cullen
stephenmid: July - Crossing Go Ape's wobbly bridge by Nick Bryant
stephenmid: August - Common darter on hogweed by Stephen Middleton
stephenmid: September - Yews in the Grove by Marko Balabanovic
stephenmid: October - Cormorant on the Boating Lake by Greg Smith
stephenmid: November - Sunset on the Boating Lake by Bruce Shayler
stephenmid: December - Teals on the Boating Lake by Greg Smith