stephenmid: Poppy field bright in the gloom
stephenmid: White form of Common Broomrape in Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Hawthorn with Social Pear Sawfly larvae - Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Social Pear Sawfly larvae on Hawthorn - Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Social Pear Sawfly larvae close-up on Hawthorn - Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Poppies - Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Colour morph of Poppy- Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Black Bindweed- Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Prickly Poppy - Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Mating Meadow Brown butterflies on Poppy
stephenmid: Blue form of Scarlet Pimperel - Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Opium Poppies - Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Field Pansy - Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Round-leaved Fluellen - Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Venus's-looking-glass - Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Narrow-fruited Cornsalad - Langley Vale Wood
stephenmid: Oak Processionary Moth caterpillars - Langley Vale Wood