stephenmid: Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: A talk from Fera
stephenmid: Ash Dieback lesion in Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Leading edge of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Inspection in Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Cherry Inspection
stephenmid: Field Maple with squirrel damage in Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Ash with basal lesion in Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Disinfection in Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Compost loos - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Birches and sky - Londonthorpe Wood.
stephenmid: Walking in the woods - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Straight path (1) - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Straight path (2) - Londonthorpe Wood.
stephenmid: Machine gung range - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Walk in woods - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Rifle range wall - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Oak - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Shaggy Parasol - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Shaggy Parasol (2) - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Towards an oak - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Line ahead - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Old grenade store - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Clouded Funnels - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Tar Spot on autumn Sycamore
stephenmid: Sycamore affected by Brittle Cinder - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Giant Elm Bracket on dead Beech - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Ganoderma underside - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Old Oak Polypore on Beech - Londonthorpe Wood
stephenmid: Oak Polypore on Beech - Londonthorpe Wood