stephenmid: Tortula muralis by the Palm Court
stephenmid: Moss group with the rain easing
stephenmid: Brachythecium rutabulum on dead oak
stephenmid: On tarmac path Syntichia latifolia (left) S. virescens (right)
stephenmid: Orthotrichum affine on leaning Ash tree
stephenmid: Syntrichia papillosa on leaning Ash tree
stephenmid: Fissidens taxifolius on the ground
stephenmid: Fissidens bryoides and F. exilis
stephenmid: Funaria hygrometrica by the Cherry Laurels
stephenmid: Prof. Jeff Duckett leading the Bryophyte walk
stephenmid: Tortula muralis and Rhynchostegium confertum on brick
stephenmid: Amblystegium serpens with capsules on Plane Tree base
stephenmid: Kindbergia praelonga
stephenmid: Amblystegium serpens
stephenmid: Professor Jeff Duckett
stephenmid: Grimmia pulvinata on sleeper waste bin in The Grove
stephenmid: Bryum argenteum on sleeper waste bin in The Grove
stephenmid: Frullania dilatata (liverwort) in The Grove
stephenmid: Cryphaea heteromalla on log in The Grove
stephenmid: Syntrichia papillosa left and Orthotrichum diaphanum with capsules right on dead ash branch in The Grove
stephenmid: Dead ash branch with lots of mosses on it in The Grove