stephenmid: Woodland path - Northfield
stephenmid: Sloes - Northfield
stephenmid: Black Bryony berries - Northfield
stephenmid: Purging Backthorn berries - Northfield
stephenmid: Rose hips - Northfield
stephenmid: Haws - Northfield
stephenmid: Albury Nowers
stephenmid: Robin's Pincushion - Albury Nowers
stephenmid: Crow chasing off a Buzzard - - Northfield
stephenmid: Small Copper - Northfield
stephenmid: Devil's Bit Scabious - Northfield
stephenmid: Devil's Bit Scabious flower - Northfield
stephenmid: Speckled Wood - Pitstone Hill
stephenmid: View from Pitstone Hill
stephenmid: Common Dogwood berries - Pitstone Hill
stephenmid: View from Pitstone Hill (2)
stephenmid: Elder tree - Pitstone Hill
stephenmid: Pitstone Windmill
stephenmid: Mentmore Towers
stephenmid: Buzzard - Pitstone Hill
stephenmid: Whitebeam - Pitstone Hill
stephenmid: Whitebeam berries - Pitstone Hill
stephenmid: Greater Knapweed - Pitstone Hill
stephenmid: Greater Knapweed flower - Pitstone Hill
stephenmid: St Marys, The Church on the Hill
stephenmid: View from Ivinghoe Beacon
stephenmid: View from Ivinghoe Beacon (2)
stephenmid: All Saints Church, Marsworth
stephenmid: View from Ivinghoe Beacon (3)
stephenmid: Wild Mignonette - Ivinghoe Beacon