stephenmid: Pymmes Brook in Arnos Park
stephenmid: Over the bridge in Arnos Park
stephenmid: Wild Service Tree in Arnos Park
stephenmid: Wild Service Tree leaves in Arnos Park
stephenmid: Mating Mallards in Arnos Park (1)
stephenmid: Mating Mallards in Arnos Park (2)
stephenmid: Mating Mallards in Arnos Park (4)
stephenmid: Mating Mallards in Arnos Park (3)
stephenmid: Mexican Fleabane in Arnos Park
stephenmid: Common Polypody Ferns growing above Pymmes Brook
stephenmid: Swamp Cypress by Arnos Road entrance to the park (2)
stephenmid: Swamp Cypress by Arnos Road entrance to the park