stephenmid: Near Mill Hill East Station
stephenmid: Start of the Copthall section going West
stephenmid: Under Sanders Lane Bridge
stephenmid: Transport option
stephenmid: Cow Parsley lined route
stephenmid: Cow Parsley
stephenmid: Bramble flower
stephenmid: Buttercup
stephenmid: Going West (1)
stephenmid: Hogweed
stephenmid: Cut-leaved Crane's-bill
stephenmid: Creeping Buttercup
stephenmid: Goose Grass
stephenmid: Stinging Nettle
stephenmid: Going West (2)
stephenmid: Going West (3)
stephenmid: Going West (4)
stephenmid: Going West (5)
stephenmid: Going West (6)
stephenmid: Going West (7)
stephenmid: Going West (8)
stephenmid: Going West (9)
stephenmid: Under Devonshire Road bridge (2)
stephenmid: Going West (10)
stephenmid: Going West (11)
stephenmid: Going West (12)
stephenmid: Going West (13)
stephenmid: Going West (14)
stephenmid: Going West (15)
stephenmid: Herb Robert