stephenmid: Shepherd's Purse - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Cow Parsley - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Daisies and Dandelions - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Common Chickweed - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Green Alkanet - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Hybrid Bluebell - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Small flowered Crane's-bill - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Red Dead-nettle - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Creeping Buttercup - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Smooth Sow-thistle - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Wood Avens - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Common Field Speedwell - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Yellow-flowered Strawberry - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Ox-eye Daisy and Red Campion - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Salad Burnet - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Goose Grass - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Cut-leaved Crane's-bill - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Common Vetch - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: White Dead-nettle - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Hedgerow Crane's-bill - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Ribwort Plantain - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Groundsel - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Sticky Mouse-ear - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Hairy Bittercress - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Germander Speedwell - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: 0Marsh Marigold - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: By the pond - Downhill's Park
stephenmid: Water Cress - Lordship Rec
stephenmid: Black Medick - Lordship Rec
stephenmid: Gall on Turkey Oak caused by Andricus grossulariae - Lordship Rec