stephenmid: Parent Bug guarding final instar nymphs
stephenmid: Parent Bug guarding young nymphs
stephenmid: Parent Bug (Elasmucha grisea) guarding eggs
stephenmid: Common Green Shield Bug and little friend seen in The Grove
stephenmid: Grass bugs
stephenmid: Parent bug final instar nymphs in Alder Tree in Butterfly Meadow
stephenmid: Parent bug final instar and earlier instar nymphs in Alder Tree in Butterfly Meadow
stephenmid: Parent bug with eggs
stephenmid: Immature Hawthorn shieldbug on an alder leaf
stephenmid: Parent bug youngsters on an alder leaf
stephenmid: Meadow Plant Bug (2) in Newland Field
stephenmid: Meadow Plant Bug (1) in Newland Field
stephenmid: Dock bugs mating on Dock on the old Dry Ski Slope
stephenmid: Backswimmer eating flying ant in Rose Garden fountain
stephenmid: Backswimmer in Rose Garden pond
stephenmid: Green shield bug nymph found on 2014 Family Bug Hunt
stephenmid: Adult plus final instar nymph parent bugs on an alder leaf in the Butterfly Meadow of Alexandra Park
stephenmid: Dock Bug on Alder Leaf in the Butterfly Meadow
stephenmid: Ball of Parent Bug fourth and final instar nymphs
stephenmid: Tortoise Bug
stephenmid: Stilt Bug
stephenmid: Mirid Bug - Deraeocoris olivaceus
stephenmid: Young Parent Bugs on Alder leaf in Butterfly Meadow
stephenmid: Parent bug guarding eggs on Alder leaf in the Butterfly Meadow
stephenmid: Parent bugs on an Alder Leaf in the Butterfly Meadow
stephenmid: A couple of final instar nymph Parent Bugs on Alder in the Butterfly Meadow
stephenmid: Giant Willow Aphids (Tuberolachnus salignus) on a Willow tree below Alexandra Palace Way
stephenmid: Sloe Bug in the Butterfly Meadow - Alexandra Park
stephenmid: Sloe Bug in the Butterfly Meadow