stephenmid: Turf removal
stephenmid: Securing the tree
stephenmid: Removing the turf
stephenmid: Water added
stephenmid: Adding mulch
stephenmid: Digging a hole
stephenmid: Watering pipe added
stephenmid: Thumping in the posts
stephenmid: Bruce Castle Tree Planting
stephenmid: Spring Trees in Bruce Castle Park
stephenmid: Old Oak in Bruce Castle Park.
stephenmid: Young Oak in Bruce Castle Park
stephenmid: Looking up Tottenham's old oak in Bruce Castle Park
stephenmid: Procumbent Yellow-Sorrell in Bruce Castle Park
stephenmid: Photographing Bruce Castle's iconic Oak Tree
stephenmid: Tree planting group in Bruce Castle park
stephenmid: Digging a hole for tree in Bruce Castle park
stephenmid: Tottenham Trees digging
stephenmid: More digging
stephenmid: Tree planters and veteran oak
stephenmid: Almost under the veteran oak
stephenmid: Poetry reading
stephenmid: Another nice talk
stephenmid: Protecting the tree
stephenmid: Adjourning to the Antwerp Arms
stephenmid: Inspiring talk from younger generation
stephenmid: Indian Bean Tree in Bruce Castle Park on Tottenham Parks Cafe Trail Walk
stephenmid: Picture on Bruce Castle on Tottenham Parks Cafe Trail Walk
stephenmid: Admiring the picture on Bruce Castle on Tottenham Parks Cafe Trail Walk
stephenmid: Mulberries in Bruce Castle Park on Tottenham Parks Cafe Trail Walk