stephenmid: Mayor of Haringey opening the Parkland Walk Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Haringey's Mayor being shown around the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Hedgehog home on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Inkcaps growing on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Red Campion and Garlic Mustard on the Wildlife Trail area
stephenmid: Mining Bee on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: 14 Spot Ladybird on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Marmalade Hoverfly on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Scarlet Pimpernel on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Yellow-flowered Strawberry on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Guernsey Fleabane on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Water Cress in the Wildlife Trail pond
stephenmid: Shepherd's Purse on the Wildlife Trail.
stephenmid: Female Orange Tip on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Female Orange Tip on Garlic Mustard on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Orange Tips looking mate on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Orange Tip pair on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Corncockle on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Tadpole in the Wildlife Trail pond
stephenmid: Hoverfly larva (Eupeodes sp.) seen on Garlic Mustard on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Harlequin Ladybird f. spectabilis on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Mauve Borage flower on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Male Orange Tip on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Common Carder Bee feeding on Green Alkanet on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: 7 spot Ladybird larva on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Unknown gall on Ash on the Wildlife Trail Parkland Walk
stephenmid: Wild Strawberry on the Wildlife Trail
stephenmid: Common Vetch on the Wildlife Trail