stephenmid: Buttercups between the lower path and the cricket pitch
stephenmid: Aquilegia (latin for eagle) or Columbine (latin for dove) on Lower Path not far from Bedford Road
stephenmid: Hedge Woundwort on the Lower Path near Bedford Road Entrance
stephenmid: Kestrel perching by the Lower Path
stephenmid: Wingnut trees in early morning sunshine on the Lower Path
stephenmid: Robin Redbreast by the Lower Path
stephenmid: History Walk
stephenmid: Looking up from the Lower Road
stephenmid: Information Board on Lower Road
stephenmid: Sun reflecting a puddle
stephenmid: Friends of Alexandra Park Members Walk
stephenmid: Dryads saddle by lower path
stephenmid: Hoary Cress by the Lower Path
stephenmid: White flowered Goat's-rue on the Lower Path
stephenmid: Hedge Bedstraw by the lower path by the junction to the Alexandra Park Club
stephenmid: Oyster mushroom on lower path - underside
stephenmid: Oyster mushroom on lower path - top side
stephenmid: Manna ash trees starting Autumn below lower path
stephenmid: Ice on the road
stephenmid: Snow on the lower path in Alexandra Park
stephenmid: Tree in Snow on the Lower Path
stephenmid: Sunny Sunday afternoon stroll
stephenmid: Painting with water on the Lower Road
stephenmid: Summer snowflake (Loddon lily) below the Lower Path
stephenmid: Lichen on a branch on the lower path
stephenmid: An early flowering celandine by the Lower Path
stephenmid: False Puffball (Reticularia lycoperdon) on the Lower Path
stephenmid: Female Goat Willow catkins by the Lower Path
stephenmid: Common Alder in the Butterfly Medow above the Lower Path
stephenmid: Gas Main Replacement Work by Gas Hut