stephenmid: Winter sun casting long shadows
stephenmid: Morning light catching a tree
stephenmid: Good Friday early morning sunshine near Bedford Road entrance
stephenmid: Dove's Foot Crane's Bill seen in grass South of Pitch and Putt
stephenmid: Goose grass (cleavers) flower - on old dry ski slope
stephenmid: Burnet Companion just to the East of the Butterfly Meadow
stephenmid: What's this?
stephenmid: Hmmmm......
stephenmid: Is this Candid Camera?
stephenmid: It looks safe....
stephenmid: What if I pull this handle?
stephenmid: Excalibur?
stephenmid: Meadow Brown just to the East of the Butterfly Meadow
stephenmid: Bright early morning sunshine on the middle path on Saturday
stephenmid: Middle path in the sun
stephenmid: Green Woodpecker in the Grass below Rose Garden
stephenmid: Grass below the road
stephenmid: Looking up from the Lower Road
stephenmid: Hairy tare below Alexandra Palace Way (East)
stephenmid: Grass vetchling below Alexandra Palace Way (East)
stephenmid: Autumn path below Alexandra Palace Way
stephenmid: Along the middle path
stephenmid: Winter avenue below the Blandford Hall area
stephenmid: Middle path in sunshine (2)
stephenmid: Grass and Trees at dawn by Alexandra Palace Way
stephenmid: Frosty log
stephenmid: Summer snowflake (Loddon lily) below the Lower Path
stephenmid: Pignut below the Rose Garden
stephenmid: Pignut leaves
stephenmid: Flat path up the hill