stephenmid: Great crested grebe on nest with lesser black-backed gull looking on
stephenmid: Laburnum (1) on the path next to the reservoir - in the pea family
stephenmid: Joint in the flood water removal pipe
stephenmid: Flexible water pipe
stephenmid: Swampland
stephenmid: Remains of the old Lido
stephenmid: Crows in the bare trees by reservoir
stephenmid: Evening sun near the reservoir
stephenmid: Late sun catching the trees
stephenmid: Gulls on the frozen reservoir
stephenmid: Wintery reservoir
stephenmid: Pre-dawn over the reservoir
stephenmid: Getting nest building material (Great crested grebe by reservoir)
stephenmid: Cormorant by the reservoir
stephenmid: Goats rue by the reservoir
stephenmid: Gipsywort near the reservoir
stephenmid: Red Willow roots in wet area next to the reservoir
stephenmid: Area between nature pond and reservoir after letting in more light
stephenmid: A peek at the Palace from near the reservoir
stephenmid: Tree looking in towards the Palace from near the reservoir
stephenmid: Four Brent Geese on the reservoir in the mist
stephenmid: Autumn in a cherry walk by reservoir
stephenmid: Repaired viewing Platform
stephenmid: Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) on path between reservoir and cricket pitch
stephenmid: Cherry trees in flower by the reservoir
stephenmid: Pre-dawn over reservoir
stephenmid: Laburnum near the reservoir
stephenmid: St James, Muswell Hill from the reservoir
stephenmid: Digging for drainage near the reservoirs
stephenmid: Young herring gull on the reservoir