stephenmid: Information Centre
stephenmid: Roses by road between Grove Car Park and Palace
stephenmid: Ceanothus by the 234 centre in The Grove
stephenmid: Holm oak flowering in The Grove
stephenmid: European Hophornbeam
stephenmid: Kerria leaves green and yellow
stephenmid: Clustered Bonnet
stephenmid: Holly berries in profusion
stephenmid: The Palace in the sun from The Grove
stephenmid: Crocuses out in The Grove
stephenmid: Evergreen spindle
stephenmid: Garrya elliptica in The Grove
stephenmid: Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis)
stephenmid: Poor pigeon
stephenmid: Looking up through Bamboo
stephenmid: Nice cup of coffee in the sun
stephenmid: Forsythia
stephenmid: Fairy in a tree
stephenmid: The moon seen through yew leaves in The Grove
stephenmid: Snowy lime tree avenue in The Grove
stephenmid: Holm oak overhanging the path in The Grove
stephenmid: Entering the Grove
stephenmid: Trees in field behind The Grove Cafe
stephenmid: Fallen piece of Weymouth Pine in The Grove
stephenmid: Evening Light catches the Plane Trees
stephenmid: White flowers in The Grove
stephenmid: Lesser Celandines (Ficaria verna) in The Grove
stephenmid: Scilla or Squill blueing up
stephenmid: Cyclamens across the road from Grove Car Park entrance
stephenmid: Swing in the Grove