stephenmid: Enjoying lunch in the sun at The Paddock
stephenmid: Reg putting the finishing touches to the path in The Paddock
stephenmid: Final completed path in The Paddock
stephenmid: Yellow Archangel in The Paddock
stephenmid: Comfrey in The Paddock
stephenmid: White deadnettle in The Paddock
stephenmid: Ivy leafed speedwell in The Paddock
stephenmid: Cow Parsley in The Paddock
stephenmid: TCV working in The Paddock in the sun
stephenmid: Using japanese knotweed to heat tea water
stephenmid: Dandelion in The Paddock
stephenmid: Daisies in the Paddock
stephenmid: Tulips in The Paddock
stephenmid: May blossom in The Paddock
stephenmid: Grape hyacinths in The Paddock
stephenmid: Green alkanet in The Paddock
stephenmid: Red dead nettle in The Paddock
stephenmid: Herb robert in The Paddock
stephenmid: Garlic mustard in The Paddock
stephenmid: Bluebells in The Paddock
stephenmid: Dogwood flowers in The Paddock
stephenmid: Cherry laurel flowers in The Paddock
stephenmid: A load of japanese knotweed
stephenmid: Willow seeds in The Grove
stephenmid: TCV Haringey raking grass in The Paddock
stephenmid: Walking down steps being repaired in The Paddock
stephenmid: Dead hedge contruction in The Paddock
stephenmid: A suitable stick in The Paddock
stephenmid: Clearing up in The Paddock
stephenmid: Tool count in The Paddock