stephenmid: Dogwood flower
stephenmid: Rose of Sharon
stephenmid: Broom flower in Rose Garden
stephenmid: Roses by road between Grove Car Park and Palace
stephenmid: Pieris
stephenmid: Pelagonium, gazania, castor oil plant
stephenmid: Border with Verbena bonariensis
stephenmid: Mallow
stephenmid: Rose of Sharon flower by the boating lake
stephenmid: Crocuses out in The Grove
stephenmid: Blue crocus
stephenmid: Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis)
stephenmid: White Crocus
stephenmid: Early daffodil
stephenmid: Crocuses near the Boating Lake
stephenmid: Daffs coming out by the boating pond
stephenmid: Crocuses swan song
stephenmid: Cyclamens across the road from Grove Car Park entrance
stephenmid: Chionodoxa on the Boating Lake surrounds
stephenmid: Grape Hyacinth or Muscari near the Boating Lake
stephenmid: Blue pansies (Pensées-Thoughts in French)
stephenmid: Clematis armandii
stephenmid: Hyacinths
stephenmid: Bergenia
stephenmid: Holly-leaved Hellebore by the Boating Lake
stephenmid: White Scilla or Squills in The Grove
stephenmid: Pansies and wallflowers in front of the Palace
stephenmid: Bleeding Heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) by The Grove Cafe
stephenmid: Bedding Colour below the Palace